Tuesday, April 14, 2009

MS ride in its 25th roll

By Sharon Spoonemore
Updated: 04.13.09
More than 13,000 cyclists are expected to ride in the 25th anniversary BP MS 150 Houston-to-Austin Bike Ride April 18-19.

It’s the largest nonprofit sporting event in Texas and the largest multiple sclerosis (MS) event of its kind in the U.S.

In past years, the event has raised more than $98 million for MS research, programs and services. Hopes are high for a record-setting $17 million to be raised for the 2009 ride. Funds will help more than 400,000 individuals battling MS throughout the U.S. MS is the leading cause of non-traumatic disability in young people around the world.

Award-winning singer Clay Walker, Grand Marshal of the 2009 BP MS 150, will be singing and speaking before the official start of the ride.

Clay Walker’s MS story

Walker was diagnosed with relaxing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) 13 years ago after he fell during a basketball game with his band before a concert in Canada. Badly shaken by the sporadic loss of muscle control in his right leg or at times tingling in his hand or double vision, his doctor’s prognosis was devastating.

“That night at the basketball game my right hand had no feeling. I couldn’t even hold a guitar pick. If you’d asked me on the day I was diagnosed if I would still be alive,” said Walker, “I would have said ‘no’ — because that’s what the doctor told me. It’s been 13 years, and I’m probably healthier than I’ve ever been.”

For a year, Walker suffered not only the symptoms of the illness, but coped with inevitable hopelessness.

“That year I would have given everything I had for the guarantee of good health. The worst day of my life was when I wondered if I would be able to walk my two daughters down the aisle – or if I could, whether they would want me to because of how I might look. That was a cryin’ day,” he said.

Walker’s story changed when he saw another physician a year later who told him of some new treatments available.

Walker IN MS remission

“When I heard ‘you’re in remission’ there was incredible relief. I’ve been in remission for 11 years,” Walker said. “Finding the Copaxone treatments let me begin a new life. It takes courage to try, but my family was so happy that my daughters wanted to help with the injections. Now I just want to get the word out. I don’t want others to go through the kind of hopelessness I did during that year.”

Walker, full of energy and optimism, filmed a web cast earlier this month with the National MS Society (NMSS) titled “Living Well with MS” about how he manages his MS physically and emotionally.

It will be streamed via the NMSS website as a “MS Learn Online” feature on the first World MS Day May 27. Walker will receive the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s highest honor, the MS Hope Award, for outstanding civic and community service on April 28 in Nashville.

Walker is committed to raising awareness of MS and the treatments now available. In 2003, he established Band Against MS (BAMS) to provide educational information for those living with MS.

“There’s a huge psychological component to MS,” Walker said. “You have to force yourself to look past the symptoms and take advantage of the opportunities for treatment. I just want to help people get past that mental block that says ‘there’s no hope.’ Becoming informed and hearing other people’s stories plants hope. When the family sees you trying, they become a part of your treatment too. I would never want to live with the guilt of not trying to get better. Find courage, and you’ll find joy.”

Walker offers wisdom to those who struggle with MS about attitude, body, and spirit..

“Attitude is the only thing you can control in this situation, but it’s also the most important,” he said. “Do as much as you can with your body – therapy, exercise and good nutrition. I’ve learned to be thankful for the MS. It tested my faith, but I made it. Life has been better than I thought possible since the diagnosis. You can’t give up – you have to try.”

A Houstonian’s MS battle

Houstonian Dana Koval agrees. She was planning to run in a marathon when she went in to her doctor for a check up. She mentioned experiencing “fuzzy feet” – a tingling in the bottom of her feet – when she stood. Thanks to his quick thinking, she was sent for an MRI and later a spinal tap which diagnosed her with MS.

“The most important part of battling MS is that you can’t have a ‘defeatist’ attitude,” said Koval. “You have to be willing to try things. I found myself becoming very stiff and losing strength on my left side which made me keep falling. I found a Pilates group which has worked wonders for me by strengthening the core and giving me better balance. By stretching the muscles, the spasms decrease. I take injections three times a week, watch my diet, and have a marketing job that I can do at home. You just have to work on each issue as it comes up and stay positive.”


Thanks to Ann Roland, those with MS who want to attend the MS 150 and welcome bikers across the finish line in Austin can do so at the Bubble Bistro.

“My friend, Nancy Garner, would always sit at the finish line blowing bubbles so her family could find her when they finished the race,” Rowland said. “When I saw her get overheated, I knew we needed a better plan for those with MS to support the race. This year, thanks to the Kickin’ Asphalt bike team and the MS Society, we’ll have a Bubble Bistro tent with great bubble machines and fans to accommodate those who need it.”

The Bubble Bistro will also have one of 25 Art Bike entries for the Ride. It’ll be easily recognized with its wild flowers and bistro chairs.

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